It was said if it would be no mountain that erupted the wild animals that live around the mountain is normally conduct mass evacuation ... these wild animals have "advanced detectors" that help them save themselves from the raging volcano. Well, more powerful than man-made seismograph he2 ... maybe yes ... you guessed wild animals are displaced due to the temperature of the area surrounding the volcano is high enough. In fact the temperature factor has no effect ... yesterday when Mount Merapi coughing;), many animals such as tigers, deer, wild boar (not a piggy bank but wild boar) and colleagues did not conduct a mass evacuation ... how to explain this? why the animals can escape before the devastating volcano will erupt?
Answer the above questions related to the sound wave sound wave ...? What to do? on this matter will be thoroughly peeled gurumuda at the end of this article. Before reviewing peculiarities of animals, we first discuss the characteristics of typical alias sound ... the sound characteristics associated with the sensation that is felt by every listener ...
Declare loudly loudness or softness of the sound ... the sound of trucks produced louder than the sound produced by a motorcycle. In this case the noise generated by trucks louder than the noise generated by motorcycles. The sound produced by aircraft noise louder than that produced by cars ... there are many other examples ... In physics, the loudness actually related to energy or intensity of the wave. If we are talking about the one-dimensional wave (eg, one-dimensional wave = wave on a string) then the more important when we discuss energy. Conversely, if we talk about the wave of three-dimensional (ie three-dimensional wave = waves of sound or seismic waves) then the more important when we discuss the intensity (I) waves. In the subject of energy, power and intensity of wave mechanics, has been described in a short length of intensity. Intensity (I) represents the wave energy carried by the wave per unit time through a unit area perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. Since the energy per unit time is power then it could be said that intensity is the power carried by the wave through a unit area perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. Intensity depends on the amplitude, frequency, wave speed and density of the medium.
The relationship between loudness and intensity of the sound waves will be discussed more fully in the next episode ...
Pitch (pitch) If you are struggling with the world of music would be familiar with this strange term. Pitch or the pitch is a term used to describe the height of a sound. The sound of the flute is more "high" while the drums sound more "low". In this case, the sound of the flute pitch higher pitch than the sound of drums. String melody sound more "high" while the bass strings sound more "low". In this case the string melody pitch sounds higher pitch than the sound of the bass strings.
Physical quantities that determine the pitch is the frequency. The higher the frequency the higher the sound pitch. Conversely the lower the sound frequency the lower the pitch. Btw, pitch is also affected by the amplitude. If we heard a sound that has the same frequency but different amplitudes, the sounds which have a larger amplitude although the sound louder but lower pitch tone.
Alias sound quality tone color (timbre)
For example, if we play the guitar and piano with the loudness and pitch the same, we can still distinguish the two sounds are produced by the instrument. In this case, although the same loudness and pitch tone but we could still distinguish the sound of guitar and piano sounds. This difference is known as the sound quality. In the world scene;), usually used in terms of color tone or timbre.
Range of human hearing One has previously described the sound characteristics, namely height. Physical quantities that determine the altitude is the frequency. You may have heard the sound of melodic guitar and bass guitar sound. The sound of the guitar melodies are more "high" because the frequency of the resulting string guitar melody higher, otherwise the bass guitar sound more "low" because of the frequency generated is also lower. The higher the frequency, the higher a sound, conversely the lower the frequency, the lower the sound. Btw, if the frequency is too low, so our ears could not hear the sound. Likewise, if the frequency is too high then we are no ear could hear.
On average, humans can hear sounds ranging in frequency between 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Sound wave frequency is lower than 20 Hz or higher than 20,000 Hz can not be heard by human ears. Frequencies below 20 Hz, known as infrasonic, while frequencies above 20,000 Hz known as ultrasound. Usually if someone is getting older so he also could no longer hear high frequency sounds. Earshot of parents;) ranged from 20 Hz to 10,000 Hz. Kaecian deh;) There are stories that are not interesting in this regard. It was said at the london school children's sms each other when the teacher was giving a lesson. Because the sms tones can be heard by the teacher then the teacher told them not to not sms each other's. Pupils who are then replaced nakal2 sms tone high frequency so that teachers can not hear. Eventually the students who nakal2 but the smart can bersms ria;) if yes hpnya disilent in Indonesia alone, so just why bother:)
Although humans can not hear sounds that have frequencies above 20,000 Hz (ultrasonic frequency), some animals can hear ultrasonic sound frequency. For example bats can hear sounds in frequency of 100,000 Hz. Or a dog can hear sounds in frequency to 50.000 Hz. Examples of animals that can hear ultrasonic sound wave frequency is the cat, rat, grasshopper. Other examples can you add through the comments column ... The crickets stopped singing ... this is because the crickets can hear low frequency sounds (footsteps we produce low-frequency vibrations). Infrasonic waves generated by earthquakes usually teknonik, volcanic earthquakes (volcanic eruption), thunder, heavy machinery vibration ... although the frequency infrasonic sound waves can not be heard by humans or certain animals but can menimbukan severe damage to human or animal body or it can destroy buildings . Infrasonic waves can demolish the building or cause damage to the body by way of resonance.
He said yesterday three days before the earthquake in Sichuan, China, a lot of frogs who paraded on the street. The frogs are trying menjahui city that became the epicenter. Many people do not know why the frogs are paraded on the street. It turned out that three days later menguncang devastating Sichuan earthquake, china. I suspected it was caused by resonance effects of tectonic earthquake vibrations. Before the devastating earthquake occurs, certain small-scale earthquakes have occurred. Resonance effects caused by these small-scale earthquake vibrations would be felt by the frogs so that they fled from their respective place of residence;) The same thing happened before the devastating volcanic eruption. Usually the animals escaped from his residence in the vicinity of the volcano, before the devastating eruption of the volcano. Resonance of volcanic tremor is very disturbing animals so the animal is trying to save themselves. Btw, this is just my reasoning alone ... I do not have a reference that explains this. You can put your opinions through the comment ... do not forget to explain in a scientific and reasonable.
Giancoli, Douglas C., 2001, in Physics Volume I (translation), Book publisher
Halliday and Resnick, 1991, in Physics Volume I, Translations, New York: publisher
Tipler, PA, 1998, Physics for Science and Engineering, Volume I (translation), Jakarta: Penebit Erlangga
Young, Hugh D. & Freedman, Roger A., 2002, University Physics (translation), Book publisher
Answer the above questions related to the sound wave sound wave ...? What to do? on this matter will be thoroughly peeled gurumuda at the end of this article. Before reviewing peculiarities of animals, we first discuss the characteristics of typical alias sound ... the sound characteristics associated with the sensation that is felt by every listener ...
Declare loudly loudness or softness of the sound ... the sound of trucks produced louder than the sound produced by a motorcycle. In this case the noise generated by trucks louder than the noise generated by motorcycles. The sound produced by aircraft noise louder than that produced by cars ... there are many other examples ... In physics, the loudness actually related to energy or intensity of the wave. If we are talking about the one-dimensional wave (eg, one-dimensional wave = wave on a string) then the more important when we discuss energy. Conversely, if we talk about the wave of three-dimensional (ie three-dimensional wave = waves of sound or seismic waves) then the more important when we discuss the intensity (I) waves. In the subject of energy, power and intensity of wave mechanics, has been described in a short length of intensity. Intensity (I) represents the wave energy carried by the wave per unit time through a unit area perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. Since the energy per unit time is power then it could be said that intensity is the power carried by the wave through a unit area perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. Intensity depends on the amplitude, frequency, wave speed and density of the medium.
The relationship between loudness and intensity of the sound waves will be discussed more fully in the next episode ...
Pitch (pitch) If you are struggling with the world of music would be familiar with this strange term. Pitch or the pitch is a term used to describe the height of a sound. The sound of the flute is more "high" while the drums sound more "low". In this case, the sound of the flute pitch higher pitch than the sound of drums. String melody sound more "high" while the bass strings sound more "low". In this case the string melody pitch sounds higher pitch than the sound of the bass strings.
Physical quantities that determine the pitch is the frequency. The higher the frequency the higher the sound pitch. Conversely the lower the sound frequency the lower the pitch. Btw, pitch is also affected by the amplitude. If we heard a sound that has the same frequency but different amplitudes, the sounds which have a larger amplitude although the sound louder but lower pitch tone.
Alias sound quality tone color (timbre)
For example, if we play the guitar and piano with the loudness and pitch the same, we can still distinguish the two sounds are produced by the instrument. In this case, although the same loudness and pitch tone but we could still distinguish the sound of guitar and piano sounds. This difference is known as the sound quality. In the world scene;), usually used in terms of color tone or timbre.
Range of human hearing One has previously described the sound characteristics, namely height. Physical quantities that determine the altitude is the frequency. You may have heard the sound of melodic guitar and bass guitar sound. The sound of the guitar melodies are more "high" because the frequency of the resulting string guitar melody higher, otherwise the bass guitar sound more "low" because of the frequency generated is also lower. The higher the frequency, the higher a sound, conversely the lower the frequency, the lower the sound. Btw, if the frequency is too low, so our ears could not hear the sound. Likewise, if the frequency is too high then we are no ear could hear.
On average, humans can hear sounds ranging in frequency between 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Sound wave frequency is lower than 20 Hz or higher than 20,000 Hz can not be heard by human ears. Frequencies below 20 Hz, known as infrasonic, while frequencies above 20,000 Hz known as ultrasound. Usually if someone is getting older so he also could no longer hear high frequency sounds. Earshot of parents;) ranged from 20 Hz to 10,000 Hz. Kaecian deh;) There are stories that are not interesting in this regard. It was said at the london school children's sms each other when the teacher was giving a lesson. Because the sms tones can be heard by the teacher then the teacher told them not to not sms each other's. Pupils who are then replaced nakal2 sms tone high frequency so that teachers can not hear. Eventually the students who nakal2 but the smart can bersms ria;) if yes hpnya disilent in Indonesia alone, so just why bother:)
Although humans can not hear sounds that have frequencies above 20,000 Hz (ultrasonic frequency), some animals can hear ultrasonic sound frequency. For example bats can hear sounds in frequency of 100,000 Hz. Or a dog can hear sounds in frequency to 50.000 Hz. Examples of animals that can hear ultrasonic sound wave frequency is the cat, rat, grasshopper. Other examples can you add through the comments column ... The crickets stopped singing ... this is because the crickets can hear low frequency sounds (footsteps we produce low-frequency vibrations). Infrasonic waves generated by earthquakes usually teknonik, volcanic earthquakes (volcanic eruption), thunder, heavy machinery vibration ... although the frequency infrasonic sound waves can not be heard by humans or certain animals but can menimbukan severe damage to human or animal body or it can destroy buildings . Infrasonic waves can demolish the building or cause damage to the body by way of resonance.
He said yesterday three days before the earthquake in Sichuan, China, a lot of frogs who paraded on the street. The frogs are trying menjahui city that became the epicenter. Many people do not know why the frogs are paraded on the street. It turned out that three days later menguncang devastating Sichuan earthquake, china. I suspected it was caused by resonance effects of tectonic earthquake vibrations. Before the devastating earthquake occurs, certain small-scale earthquakes have occurred. Resonance effects caused by these small-scale earthquake vibrations would be felt by the frogs so that they fled from their respective place of residence;) The same thing happened before the devastating volcanic eruption. Usually the animals escaped from his residence in the vicinity of the volcano, before the devastating eruption of the volcano. Resonance of volcanic tremor is very disturbing animals so the animal is trying to save themselves. Btw, this is just my reasoning alone ... I do not have a reference that explains this. You can put your opinions through the comment ... do not forget to explain in a scientific and reasonable.
Giancoli, Douglas C., 2001, in Physics Volume I (translation), Book publisher
Halliday and Resnick, 1991, in Physics Volume I, Translations, New York: publisher
Tipler, PA, 1998, Physics for Science and Engineering, Volume I (translation), Jakarta: Penebit Erlangga
Young, Hugh D. & Freedman, Roger A., 2002, University Physics (translation), Book publisher
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